Morning Session


“Leaky Loos” This presentation presents the findings from a physical investigation into leakage (or wastage) from domestic water closets (WCs) in the UK. The key objective of the study was to refine our understanding of the scale (quantity of water wastage and number of WC’s leaking) of the issue and to identify if any particular groups of households are more likely to have leaking WCs. Further to this the project also aimed to identify in more detail the technical reasons for leaks occurring in WCs so that a strategic approach, to reduce the amount of leakage and to prevent further leakage in the future, can be developed. 
Presenters: Nic Gilbert (Affinity Water) & Stuart Ballinger (Ricardo AEA)
[Presentation] [Video - You Tube (part 1)] Video - You Tube (part 2) Video - You Tube (part 3)]

“Expanding The Evidence Base” The Collaborative Fund commissioned this project to update the Evidence Base with new water efficiency projects. Dwr Cymru Welsh Water were nominated as the lead water company and awarded Artesia to deliver after a successful tender application.  This project presents statistical analyses for 25 water efficiency projects three metering projects and one greywater recycling project, with very interesting results.  Recommendations are made regarding future research in this area, particularly to measure the longevity of savings, the effects of compulsory metering and the costs and benefits of rainwater and greywater systems  
Presenters: Andy Blackhall (Welsh Water) & Rob Lawson (Artesia)
[Presentation] [Video - You Tube (part 1)  Video - You Tube (part 2)]

Thames Water are delivering the largest water saving targets in the UK water sector in AMP6 across domestic and commercial customers.  This presentation discusses how this is being delivered in parallel to smart metering rollout and as bespoke demand management initiatives – including home retrofitting, water audits, businesses and schools, and water efficiency communications, propositions, tools and advice.    
Thames Water (Andrew Tucker/Rosie Rand)
[Presentation] [ Video - You Tube (part 1)   Video - You Tube (part 2)]

“Showering Behaviours” Presents the results of a large scale UK study aimed at generating novel insights into showering behaviour in the UK.  Using sensor technology, we gathered objective data on showering behaviour, which, combined with self-report measures, paints a fuller picture of shower use in the UK.  The study also tested whether a water efficiency intervention based on behaviour change principles resulted in shorter showers and decreased water use. 
Presenters: Hilde Hendrickx (Unilever) & Doug Clarke (Severn Trent)
[Presentation] [Video - You Tube (part 1)  Video - You Tube (part 2)  ]