2016 Conference Proceedings

Special Issue Journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Conference Proceedings
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Keynote Presentations
Martin Shouler  Future Water Challenges - The Drivers of Change
{Future of Urban Water}
David Butler Resilience - Hype or Hope?
Lian Lundy Water Scarcity - Technology is Not the Problem Its Decision Making  
Session 1: Surface Water Management:
Stephen Coupe * The Retention and In-Situ Treatment of Contaminated Sediments in Laboratory Highway Filter Drain Models 
Stephen Theophilus * Impact of Slow Release Fertilizer and Struvite in Enhancement of Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon in Filter Drains to Prevent Groundwater Pollution
Phil Mills Assessing Barriers and Potential Drivers to Adoption of Water Reuse in the UK
Anne-Marie McLaughlin* The Long Term Accumulation of Containments in Sustainable Drainage Systems
Session 2:  Customer Behaviour, Water Awareness and Engagement
Ines Meireles * User Preferences and Behaviour Change Owing to Washbasin Taps Retrofit
Cath Hassell and Safa
Adolescents and Showers - In Their Own Words
{Shower Research Report}
Safa Al-Jamal * A Holistic Dissemination Strategy to Deliver Water Conservation Messages through  Gamifcation and Social Networks
Chad Staddon * Socio-cultural Drivers of Water Demand in Student Residential Accommodation
Session 3: Surface Water Management
Chris Newton  Attenuating and Managing Flows Within Surface Water Drainage Systems 
Sue Charlesworth* Using Catchment Scale Field Data to Validate Micro Drainage
Stephen Coupe * Preliminary Investigation of Potential Application for Modified Pervious Paving Bio-Filters to Vent Ground Gas and Prevent Groundwater Contamination in Historic Landfills
Session 4:  Customer Behaviour, Water Awareness and Engagements
Claire Hoolohan  Designing Water Efficiency Interventions That Engage With The Collective Context of Water Use
Eleni Tracada and Kemi Adeyeye Music Festivals:  How Are People Encouraged to be Mindful in their Uses of Finite Resources and Not Waste Water? Where Does Water Go Afterwards?
Richard Beattie  Examination of Domestic Cold Water Storage Tanks and System Overheating
Andrew Tucker  Water Efficiency for Domestic and Non-Domestic Buildings; Recent Case Studies by Thames Water
Session 5:  Water, Energy, Food Nexus
Luis Sanudo-Fontaneda * Water Sensitive Design and Renewable Energy
Kaiming She and Ken Ip Waste Heat Recovery from Showers
Kourosh Bezhadian* The Water, Energy and Carbon Footprints of Locally Produced Tomato Paste in the UK
Pete Melville-Shreeve * Quantifying Water and Energy Savings Associated with Water Efficiency Retrofits 
Session 6: Resilient Communities
Aaron Burton and Sandra Ryan Integrated Water Planning - Strategies to Implement Before 2020 and Beyond  
Eleni Tracada To Use or Not to Use Enough Water in Traveller's Sites: What does the new planning framework do about water uses and misconceptions?
Sarah Ward  Co-Watering the Grass Roots:  combining community participation and social entrepreneurship to share roof run-off
Liliane Binego * Challenges of Availability and Accessibility of Adequate Quantity and Clean Water in Rural Refugee Settings
Session 7: International Water Efficiency
Qingbin Cui and Dena Morgan Design of an Energy Performance Contract: City of Jackson Case Study 
Daniel Castro-Fresno *  Analysis and Implementation of Sustainable Drainage Practices under Spain's Oceanic Climate Conditions
Michael Kennedy* Conceptualising the Hydrology of Tropical Wetlands to Aid Habitat Management in Northern Zambia
Vitor Sousa, Cristina Matos Silva & Ines Ponces Technical-Economic Evaluation of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Commercial Buildings
Carla Pimentel-Rodrigues & Armando Silva Afonso The Portuguese Tool for Classification of Water Efficiency in Buildings
Session 8: Water Integrated Sensitive Cities  
Sue Charlesworth, Larry W Mays & Luis Sanudo-Fontanedo Water Sensitive Cities in Antiquity
Sue Charlesworth & Tom Lavers Opportunity Mapping of Natural Flood Resilience Measures
Dan Tram & Kemi Adeyeye Integrated Water Sensitive Design: Current State, Opportunities & Barriers to Implementation
Zeyu Yao Integrated Urban Water Management under China's Centralized Planning System
Session 9:  Water Reuse & Harvesting Systems  
Katherine Hyde & Matthew Smith Greywater and Green Infrastructure
Erwin Nolde, Grit Burgow, Victor Katayama, Ralf Bertling, Ilka Gehrke, Janine Dinske & Angela Million Roof Water Farm:  A Multidisciplinary Approach to Integrate Wastewater Reuse with Urban Agriculture
Peter Melville-Shreeve, Sarah Ward & David Butler Evaluating Flushrain Retrofittable Rainwater Harvesting:  A Pilot Study
Kourosh Behzadian * Improving Efficiency of Integrated Urban Water Systems Using Smart Rainwater Harvesting Schemes
 * see presentations for further author accreditations