"Informative trip. Great company" - Alan Fewkes (Nottingham Trent University)
"Thoroughly enjoyed the WATEF Berlin trip; insightful application of technology and overall an inspiration" - Neil Sephton (First Wessex)
"We saw some fascinating and inspirational projects in Berlin. And on top of that, I got to meet a lot of really interesting people." - Kat Austen (Iilab)
23 March 2015: The WATEF network's field trip to Berlin began with the group's arrival at their hotel in Berlin. Once everyone had settled into their rooms we all set off down the tree-lined Kurfurstendamm to locate the City Circle tour company.
Soon a City Circle sightseeing bus appeared and we all climbed aboard opting for the best view on the upstairs deck. Everyone was provided with a set of headphones and a commentary in English for the duration of the bus tour and off we went. Berlin is an amazing city with an eclectic mix of old and new, each district has its own special brand and everywhere you look building is taking place.
After the tour everyone made their way back to the hotel where we all had dinner together and then our hosts, Erwin and Norma Nolde took us to a nearby establishment where we were able to sample some micro brewed beer. Apparently it's quite common in Berlin to find an establishment which brews its own beer and very nice it was too!!
24 March 2015 : The following day began with an early breakfast for everyone and we all met Norma in the hotel lobby around 8.00 am. We took the U-Bahn to our first site visit at Arminplatz where we met with Ing. Erwin Nolde.
Die Projekt am Arnimplatz is a joint venture between Nolde & Partners and the building's architect. This housing project has 41 apartments in total built to the Passiv-haus standards. From the innovative outside blinds which keep the apartments cool, greywater recycling systems that supply cheaper water to residents, to the heat recovery system which keeps all the apartments at an ambient temperature.. All of which can be remotely monitored and managed by Nolde & Partners; everything is designed to high environmental standards whilst ensuring that the resident's energy, water and maintenance costs as kept to the barest minimum.
Ing. Nolde then showed us into the waste water recycling
plant where we were able to observe each process taking place. A fish
tank full of local small species at the far end of the room demonstrated
to us how sustainable the water was after all the processes had taken
place. The presentation delivered by Dr Grit buergow of the Technical
University of Berlin is available via our Resource one-stop-shop.